

Mini-review of the genome and proteome of archaea Saccharolobus shibatae B12

Finished mini-review. Suggestions and comments are readily accepted :)

Link on pdf document on Google Drive: Mini-review of the genome and proteome of Saccharolobus shibatae B12

В нём содержится текст мини обзора генома археи Saccharolobus shibatae B12. Использован подредактированный образец оформления журнала Microorganisms. It contains the text of the mini-review on archaea "Saccharolobus shibatae B12". An edited sample of the Microorganisms journal design was used.

Supplementary Materials:

NCBI data about Saccharolobus shibatae B12

FASTA file for S. shibatae DNA from NCBI

Feature table for S. shibatae genome from NCBI

Table of feature counts for S. shibatae from NCBI

Programs in Python

Plots of GC-content distribution

GenBank file for S. shibatae from NCBI

Extracted lines from GenBank file

Histogram of protein lengths and number of proteins on strands

Table of proteome analysis

Table of RNA analysis

Table of gene distribution

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