1 package lesson2;
3 public class Boss
4 {
5 // Boss name
6 String name;
8 // Boss surname
9 String surname;
11 // probability that boss is sleeping
12 double sleeping_probability = 0.5;
14 // Engaged secretary (actually its a link to a secretary object); if it is null nobody is engaged
15 Secretary secretary;
17 /**
18 * Constructor
19 * @param name
20 * @param surname
21 */
22 Boss(String name, String surname)
23 {
24 // set the name and surname of the Boss object
25 this.name=name;
26 this.surname=surname;
27 }
29 /**
30 * @return full name of the Boss
31 */
32 String getFullName()
33 {
34 return name+" "+surname;
35 }
37 /**
38 * @return true if boss is sleeping, false elsewise
39 */
40 boolean isSleeping()
41 {
42 if(Math.random() < sleeping_probability)
43 {
44 System.out.println("Boss is sleeping");
45 return true;
46 }
47 return false;
48 }
49 /**
50 * Check if a secretary works for the Boss. And print some of his thoughts and phrases.
51 * @return true if the secretary is available, false elsewise
52 */
53 boolean checkSecretaryAvailability()
54 {
55 speak("I have a job for a secretary. Hm... What is her name?..");
56 if(secretary==null)
57 {
58 // if secretary == null, it means the Boss doesn't have any engaged secretary
59 speak("Oh, I have no secretary!.. I should engage one.");
60 return false;
61 }
62 speak(secretary.getFullName()+", come to my room, please. I have a job for you.");
63 return true;
64 }
66 /**
67 * Check if a secretary works for the Boss. If not, choose one of the candidate list and engage her.<br>
68 * If there is no appropriate secretary in the candidate list, nobody is engaged
69 * and null is returned.
70 * @param secretaries array of secretaries that want to work for the Boss
71 * @return secretary that has been engaged (just now or earlier) or null if nobody has been engaged
72 */
73 Secretary chooseAndAppointSecretary(Secretary[] secretaries)
74 {
75 // this is just for checking
76 if(secretary!=null)
77 {
78 // if boss have a secretary he needn't engade one more
79 System.out.println("Secretary is already appointed.");
80 return secretary;
81 }
82 // choosing a secretary with the shortest nails
83 Secretary best_secr = null;
84 //============================================================================
85 // TODO:
86 // напишите блок, в результате работы которого в переменной best_secr будет
87 // находиться секретарша (т.е. объект класса Secretary) из массива secretaries
88 // с самыми короткими ногтями. Причем такая, которая еще не увольнялась из
89 // этого офиса (т.е. best_secr.isDischarged()==false).
90 //============================================================================
91 this.secretary=best_secr;
92 // now secretary is engaged (i.e. link "secretary" refers to the secretary object)
94 return best_secr;
95 }
97 /**
98 * Force the secretary to print documents
99 * @return true if secretary suceeded, false elsewise
100 */
101 boolean secretaryToPrintDocuments()
102 {
103 speak(secretary.getFullName()+", print me these documents, please.");
105 return secretary.printDocuments();
106 }
108 /**
109 * Discharge secretary
110 */
111 void dischargeSecretary()
112 {
113 speak("Useless secretary! You are fired!!!");
114 // mark this secretary by was-discharged-mark (for the Boss will never engade her again)
115 secretary.dischargeFromOffice();
116 // remove the link to this secretary: she is fired
117 secretary=null;
118 }
120 /**
121 * Print Boss's phrase in a dialog form
122 * @param phrase phrase to be printed
123 */
124 void speak(String phrase)
125 {
126 System.out.println("Boss:\t-"+phrase);
127 }
128 }