Alanine atlas

The figure on the right side shows a two-dimensional structure of L-alanine, which refers to an aliphatic α-amino acids [2]. As you can see, this amino acid has the radical -CH3-group, a methyl. Because of its simplicity relative to other amino acid alanine is unreactive, therefore almost not involved in the functioning of the protein.
Alanine is a nonessential amino acid, so the body does not necessarily receive this amino acid constantly. There are several ways of synthesis, such as the biosynthesis and chemical synthesis in the laboratory. In vivo alanine often synthesized from pyruvate and amino acids with branched radicals, for instance valine, leucine, isoleucine [5].

Titles sequence.

Table 1. Some properties of L-alanine [3]
Psychical and chemical propertiesCommon info
Density1.424 g/cm3Russian titleÀëàíèí
Chemical formulaNH2-ÑH(ÑÍ3)-ÑÎÎÍThree-letter codeAla
Brutto-formulaC3H7NO2One-letter codeA
Molar weight89.09 g/moleRNA coding codonsGCU,GCC,GCA,GCG
Solubility in water167.2 g/lIUPAC title2-aminopropanoic acid
Standart stateWhite criastallicPubChem IDCID 5950

Fig. 1. Glucose-alanine cycle (Source).
At the right side you can a figure of the glucose-alanine cycle [1]. In the first step ïlucose converted to pyruvate (glycolysis), which is converted to alanine, by the action of alanine aminotransferase. Further, alanine is carried by the blood to the liver where the enzyme having the opposite effect to muscle aminotransferase converts alanine to pyruvate. Further, pyruvate converts to alanine by gluconeogenesis. The cycle is repeated. This cycle is one of the most important in the human body, as it allows the muscles to constantly obtain glucose, which is the most important energy product of muscles.

Properties of L-alanine pH.
Protonated form of amino acid observed in the value of pH < 1.83, while there is a charge on NH3+-group, COOH-group remains uncharged. L-alanine becomes a zwitterion (charged NH3+ and COO- groups) at pH = 1.83. Only COO--group (without NH3+-group) charges starting with values of pH = 9.13.

pKa 2.34 sequence.
pKa 9.69 sequence.
pH < 2.34 sequence.

Table 2. Protein-protein interaction
Hydrogen bondsPeptide binding/gydrophobic interaction
Passing through the bone HPassing through the bone OBone/bone

Fig. 2. Alanine Ramachandran plot (Source).

Protein-protein interaction is a specific physical interaction between two or more proteins that occurs as a result of biochemical reactions and/or electrostatic interactions. Notable examples of protein-protein interactions are homo-oligo(poly)meres/hetero-oligo(poly)meres, stable complexes, covalent/non-covalent complexes.
    Factors that regulate protein-protein interactions:
  • Protein concentration
  • Protein affinity
  • Ligand concentration
  • Electric fields around proteins
  • Presence of nucleic acids, other proteins, ions...
Alanine radical is not capable of hydrogen, ionic bonds. However, it is capable of participating in the formation of hydrophobic bonds, due to the absence strong electronegative atoms in the structure of the radical.
Interactions of DNA molecule and alanine radical were not detect. This is also confirmed by the theory. Alanine radical is hydrophobic, nonpolar, that means that alanine can not interact with the charged DNA molecule.

Information sources:
[1]: Toxnet (Source)
[2]: Wikipedia (Source)
[3]: PubChem (Source)
[4]: RCSB (Source)
[5]: NCBI (Source)